Thursday, November 4, 2010


It's ironic that I've signed up with Team Diabetes to run a half marathon in Iceland.

Ironic, because I don't enjoy running, and until yesterday hadn't set foot on a treadmill!

Ironic, because at the same time I feel like I am always on the run.

On the run against the clock.

I have this silly image of myself as a court jester...  juggling colored balls that represent the Express, dancefit, city life, time with friends, housework... even hellcats! (it's a tv show people and my only downtime, not a reference to my cattens)

It seems like there's never enough time in the day to do it all, and do it right.

So why do it at all? Why toss one more ball in the air? 

Certainly my amazing sister is a big inspiration, and finding a cure for Diabetes.
That's how this started and that's what will take me across the finish line.

But it's more than that.

Now sure, I have always secretly envied the runner's of the world.
The ability to just lace up and go. (Plus, there's this rumor of the runner's high... and we all know i'm an endorphin junkie!)

But it's more than that.

I think it's about finally running to something.

This experience is already challenging me personally & professionally.

From this blog, to the new venue for bootycamp, to the training tips,
to "team viking"... look at what's happened in just one month since signing up!

Or rather, look at what we've made happen.

So... here we go. Running to the future, juggling the life that we love as we run.

And you know, I may actually get myself a jester hat... I figure we may need a laugh or two during the 22k's!

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